Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Utada Hikaru and Ninja Warrior!

This is Utada Hikaru. She is a singer in Japan. きれいです。^.^

She was actually born in New York, but I'm pretty sure she is Japanese. I first heard of her from a song she did for Square-Enix's Kingdom Hearts video game called Simple and Clean.

Here is the music video:


Ninja Warrior is a television show that airs in America on a channel called G4TV. It's a Japanese game show of sorts and it is really fun to watch. Men and women compete in order to defeat crazy obstacles in a certain amount of time. If you make it, you get to move on to other stages and it gets progressively harder. There have only been 2 people who have completed the entire competition and have earned the title of Ninja Warrior! The show has had more than 10 "seasons" and each one has 100 contestants, so that just goes to show you how hard this game show really is. Here are some clips:

Best Wipeouts!

Here is a clip of the first stage in all of its difficulty!


Hamada said...

うただひかるは にんきがありますね〜(popular)。

かく said...


julia said...

hahahhahah!! Hilarious videos! Ninja warrior is funny!!! The most painful wipeout was the third guy...the one where he was on the flat board and it rolled under him...and he ****...ouch...that's all i gotta say.

风剪闲愁 said...

おはようございます。わたしはヤンリーです。コロンビアのだいがくいんせいです。さとうせんせいのくらすのがくせいです。うただひかるが すきです。あのう きのうわたしはうただのSongsがいいました。なまえは ふれふおふらふFlavor of lifeとぼくはくま。


Athena said...
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Stephen Boyanton said...


Athena said...

Ninja Warrior が だいすき ですよ!
It's a tradition that every time we visit my grandparents (who have cable_I don't) my sister and I watch ninja warrior and LAUGH SO HARD
I actually found myself getting really into it. Like when someone I was rooting for didn't win, I was dissappointed...
I think it's funny that two gold medal gymnists didn't make it through the first round...

And Utada Hikaru's voice is very pretty, very airy.

Great blog!

David said...

ninja warrior がだいすきです!にほんでそのばんぐみをみました。とてもおもしろです。

ts.hunter87654 said...


Haha I love watching Ninja Warrior. Its almost as good as MXC, I dont know if you ever watched that but it was really funny.

Utada Hikaru has a great voice, I got a lot of her music on my ipod. I hate how hard it is to get your hands (legally) on Japanese music here in the U.S. though.